Welcome to Mrs. Oquist's Classroom!
sound deck
Read Aloud:
Mrs. Nesslehuf did a great read aloud lesson. Enjoy!
Read Aloud:
Listen to the book, "Ten Magic Butterflies." Review, author (writes the words), illustrator (draws the pictures), and characters (people, animals, or objects) in the story. Practice all the ways (combinations) to make 10. Then get ten things from your house and show someone how to make combinations of 10.
Sight Word Powerpoint
Click on the link below to work on the interactive CVC word powerpoints.
Just do one powerpoint a week!
If the link isn't working, or you can't access the powerpoints please let me know!
Raz Kidz Link
Click on the link. Once on the Raz Kidz site, select Kids log in. Type in the teachers name, (moquist), select your students name, and the watermelon for the password. Once in they will have weekly assignments I will upload each week.
This is a new skill we are working on. Have your child watch the subtraction YouTube video, then use the subtraction power points to help with vocabulary, strategies, and subtraction practice!
Subtraction Power point
Go over your 3D and 2D shapes! How many sides do they have? How many corners? Let's go on a shape hunt! Look to see if you can find something in your house for every shape!
Addition Powerpoints
Click on the link below to practice your addition vocabulary, strategies, and adding number fluency! Have fun!
Number Powerpoints-
Below is the link for the number powerpoints. These will help students identify, recognize, write, and build numbers 0-20.
Have Your child review how to write one or two complete sentences. Then write you a story about an animal or person. When they have finished writing, have them draw a picture and color it using the color rubric.
Parts of a complete Sentence:
Subject Verb Prepositional
2 sentence example.
Start to discover the wonders of how the water cycle works. You can complete the activity pages that were mailed to you. Once completed you can watch these two videos to help you discover how water travels in our world. Using the water cycle experiment that I sent you, place the water in the bag and tape it to the window to observer how the cycle happens for your self! Happy exploring!
Social Studies
Fun Earth Day Craft!
In honor of Earth Day, watch the video explaining what Earth Day is. Then Watch the Peppa Pig cartoon that teaches us about the three R's (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). Think of ways you can practice the three R's in your house. You can also use the Earth Day writing activity I sent you! Write one thing you love about our Earth, one thing the Earth has, and one thing you can do to help the Earth.